A home of miscellaneous projects by Paul Philippov.

PostalMethods (NG)

A Ruby wrapper for PostalMethods SOAP API.

Unlike official postalmethods gem depending on abandoned soap4r library, postalmethods-ng is built around Savon SOAP Client v2.

I’ve tried my best to make the library compact and simple whilst robust and convenient to use, but you are more than welcomed to hack and send patch it, just don’t forget to send pull requests to share your improvements.


require 'postalmethods'

pmc =
  username: "username",
  password: "password"

letter_id = pmc.send_letter_and_address(
  file: "/path/to/file.pdf",
  description: "Sample letter",
  address: {
    attention_line_1: "John Doe",
    attention_line_2: "IT Department",
    company: "ACME Software",
    address_1: "123 Long Rd",
    address_2: "Unit 404",
    city: "Oblivion",
    state: "KS",
    postal_code: "55505",
    country: "United States of America"

letter_status = pmc.get_status(letter_id)

puts letter_status.first[:description]

Source Code